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About Changing the Game

Join us on Thursday, February 9th from 6-9pm at Regions Field in the Diamonds Direct Ballroom for an inspirational evening dedicated to raising awareness and defeating ALS at the Changing the Game gala. Lou Gehrig, the iron horse of baseball, showed extraordinary commitment to the game for many years. Even in the face of the devastating diagnosis of ALS, his spirit of courage remains an inspiration to this day. Changing the Game forever secures the Spirit of Lou Gehrig Award Honorees as champions of ALS who, like Lou Gehrig, "Changed the Game." The gala brings together individuals to generate funds that further our mission to discover treatments and a cure for ALS, and to serve, advocate for, and empower people affected by ALS to live their lives to the fullest. The semi-formal event will feature a dinner, awards ceremony, silent and live auction, and keynote address from Walter Woltosz, creator of the first PC based Augmentative Communication Device. Please join us as a supporter of The ALS Association's research and care services programs, which makes a difference in the lives of hundreds of individuals and families across Alabama.

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